


25元/小时 |  月结
更新:2019-11-09 浏览: 申请:



【职责要求】:1、气质优雅,形象靓丽,亲和力强,普通话流利(只通知上传照片的求职者面试)。2、统招本科及以上学历在校大学生或研究生。3、年龄:20-25岁之间。身高:净高163以上,体态匀称。4、户籍:不限。5有责任心,给顾客提供完美的艺术品介绍,并回答相关疑问。6、具备团队意识,自学能力强。7、工作时间:早晚班; 工作地点:海信广场二楼专柜。【工资】:本岗位,22元/小时,表现好25元/小时(认真接待热情讲解就是表现好)。每天工作4-6个小时,每周不少于三天。工作优秀者另有奖金。公司统一配备工服。工作环境优雅。



天津克莱蒙商贸有限公司 上海锦蝶投资公司是中国大陆地区克莱蒙定制刺绣艺术品的市场 服务商。天津克莱蒙商贸有限公司是其旗下全资子公司。 克莱蒙定制刺绣为西方刺绣艺术的一线品牌,历经两个家族的六代传承,现为英国皇家艺术协会测评委员会终生会员,英国三代皇室御用艺术品供应商。欧洲11位刺绣艺术大师精准定位艺术市场,独创的21种刺绣技法将人物、实景、中外知名画作、现代抽象图案及客户个性化的定制要求均表现的栩栩如生。 锦蝶投资公司自2011年始,作为国内 代理商,以北京为核心,快速将该艺术品推向内陆市场。经过三年努力,已成为万豪中国酒店集团、喜达屋中国酒店集团、东易日盛家装集团、尚层家装集团、劳斯莱斯、迈巴赫、法拉利、渣打银行、招商银行、中国北车、华为投资等企业 供应商、合作商。 克莱蒙于2015年入驻天津海信广场店,现诚招各个岗位工作人员,如您气质优雅,艺术感强,富有责任心与工作激情,那请与公司一起开启完美的艺术旅程。Robert Burns (1839-1909) is the founder of Clemon. He was owner of a little textile workshop. Even though he was good at skills of textile, the workshop broke up because of terrible running and badly loss. At last, he sold the workshop and took his children to his relative in London.He was crazy about embroidery and had the skill of couter-shuttling embroidery. After four years, he borrowed some money from his friends to reopen his industry whose major business was terrific embroidery of portrait and famous painting.In 1884, his embroidery was picked by Queen Victoria’s son-Edwardian. After the death of Edwardian, his embroidery was chosen as the royal embroidery of Bucingham Palace in1902.Mr. Burns named the embroidery Clemon Couter-Shuttling Embroidery for the memory of his loving wife who left him early.1922, his son bought a gothic building in St. James Street as office and productiong center. For the reason of British royals, European royals gradually chose Clemon. After oil cr**, Ara c royals also went after Clemon crazy.In 1975, the NY store of Clemon opened. Then in 1981, when Prince Char got married with Princess Diana, they ordered Clemon to make their group photo in four months for hanging in Westminster Abbey. From that moment on, the Clemon has a global influence.After 1960s, as the reduce of Brithsh royal’s funds, the Clemon began to walk to the market. At the same time, the Clemon company transfer the public image from the only royal clients to public clients. In 1988, the Tokyo store opened. The Dubai store also opened in 2005.When Prince William got married in 2001, the British royal also chose Clemon.The materials and operation achieves the uniqueness of Clemon.The unicity of technique: Clemon Couter-Suttling Embroidery Conpany is the unique one all over the world. By far, there is no similar product in the world.Fabulous workship: Every finished product uses more than 71 colors of silk, which is particularly made in Milan. 70% of these colors of silk is made s than 1000 weaves every year.Elegant finished Product: Finished products whose degree of simulation are 25color differences higher than oil paintings are lifelike. If you touch it, you may think that you are touching silk with the texture feeling. The Clemon is on the top degree of embroidery all over the world.Distance from the co on people: Because of Clemon’s outstanding workship, its extraordinary high price makes majority of people keeping distance from it. In the market, the Clemon’s clients are the noble and wealthy prople who are minority in the world.The reputation of history: Through hundreds of years, Clemon always keeps its pure British blood. And at the same time, com ning present microelectronic artifacure with its traditional embroidery ufacture. All these technologies make Clemon a raising brand value and passing on from generation to generation.The inclusion of culture: Using factors of traditional western oil paitings to match attaches in Eastern appreciation of the beauty. Gather west and east.Thousands of worshipment: The luxury world achieves your remarkable life. The Clemon stands for social standard, height of career, and self-actualization.Clemon is the com nation and quintessence.The glamour of fashion: When you are hanging Clemon in your office and your home, all your friends, relations, and clients will feel refreshing. It can be said like that “the Clemon is your ID of social status”.晋升制度:【专业及管理岗位中层福利】:1.艺术品鉴定师学费报销 2.艺术品评估师学费报销3.艺术品经济师学费报销 5.半月年假 6.住房补贴7. 伯明翰艺术学院进修及学费补助8.南安普顿学院艺术学员互换计划9.分公司法人 10.股权激励 11.参与决策【职业经理人高层福利】: 享受股权分配晋升与时间1. 实习考察期 3个月 2. 见习初级艺术品经纪人 3个月3. 初级艺术品经纪人 6个月 4. 见习中级艺术品经纪人 6个月5. 中级艺术品经纪人 6个月 6. 店长助理 6个月7. 见习店长 6个月 基层 (3年)A:专业方向:1初级艺术品鉴定师 3个月 2中级艺术品鉴定师 3个月3高级艺术品鉴定师 初级艺术品评估师(同级) 3个月4特级艺术品鉴定师 中级艺术品评估师(同级) 3个月5高级艺术品评估师 初级艺术品经济师(同级) 3个月6特级艺术品评估师 中级艺术品经济师(同级) 3个月7高级艺术品经济师 12个月 8特技艺术品经济师 12个月 中层专业方向 (4年)B:管理方向:1. 门店店长 12个月 2. 营销主任 12个月3. 市场主管 3个月 4. 城市经理 3个月5. 区域业务副总监 3个月 6. 大区业务副总监 3个月7. 大区总监 12个月 中层管理方向 (4年)




  • 公司全称:天津克莱蒙商贸有限公司
  • 企业法人:郭萌
  • 注册资本:500万人民币
  • 信用代码:120102000162401
  • 成立时间:2014-12-23 00:00:000000
  • 经营状态:正常
  • 注册地址:天津市河东区津塘路174号院内C-350室
  • 经营范围:一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;软件销售;软件开发;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品);工艺美术品及礼仪用品销售(象牙及其制品除外);工艺美术品及收藏品零售(象牙及其制品除外);工艺美术品及收藏品批发(象牙及其制品除外);工艺美术品及礼仪用品制造(象牙及其制品除外);艺术品代理;平面设计;计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售;文艺创作;信息技术咨询服务。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)。
  • 所属行业:批发/零售、家居/室内设计/装潢
  • 企业规模:50-99人
企业招聘 (已认证企业)
  • 22
  • 7年318天